Vendo semillas y aceite de Moringa. 100 Semillas 3000 colones,aceite por mayor y detalle 30ml-5500 colones, capsulas de Moringa 500mlgr 6500 colones ,polvo de hojas de Moringa molido 250 gr 7000 colones. Envios por correo en todo el pais tel 62617932


Moringa organic oil -10$ for 30ml,discounts for whole sale quantities apply. Moringa capsules 500mlg 60 capsules 12$, Moringa leaf powder 250 gr 15$

tel 62617932

Moringa : Beneficios para la salud
1 . Las semillas de moringa contienen 40 por ciento de aceite comestible que se conoce como aceite de Ben . Este aceite transparente , dulce y sin olor es rico en antioxidantes y es similar al aceite de oliva en función de su perfil nutricional . Además, tiene una vida útil indefinida , ya que no se convierta rancio al igual que otros aceites.
Beneficios del aceite de Moringa para la piel
Este aceite se esta haciendo popular día a día en la industria cosmética, debido a sus excelentes beneficios contra el envejecimiento y otras propiedades importantes. Estos son los beneficios para la piel del aceite de Moringa:
1.- Anti-envejecimiento
Este aceite lleno de nutrientes, es famoso por sus propiedades anti-envejecimiento. Ayuda a eliminar las arrugas y previene la flacidez de la piel y del rostro también. Viene dotado de antioxidantes que retrasan el proceso de envejecimiento y ayuda a frenar la actividad de los radicales libres.
2.- Brillo natural
El aceite de Moringa ayuda a combatir la fatiga de la piel y secreción de grasas. Es excelente para ocultar los efectos nocivos de la contaminación en la piel. Es un gran purificador de la piel, haciendo que brille naturalmente.
3.- Combate el acné, puntos negros y manchas oscuras
El aceite de Moringa es también conocido por sus excelentes propiedades de curar el acné. Funciona de maravillas en la eliminación de los puntos negros y manchas de la piel. Una piel perfecta es lo que todos anhelamos, ¿no?
4.- Cura cortadas, quemaduras y erupciones
El aceite de Moringa también es conocido por ser un buen aceite antiséptico y anti-inflamatorio. Ayuda a las curaciones menores como cortes en la piel , erupciones o incluso quemaduras . También puede ser utilizado para curar las picaduras de insectos y ayuda a combatir la psoriasis y el herpes.
Beneficios del aceite de Moringa para el cabello
Este aceite sin olor, ha sido conocido como un limpiador natural del pelo a lo largo de las eras. Así que aquí estamos listando algunos de los mejores beneficios del aceite de Moringa para el cabello:
5.- Hidrata el cuero cabelludo
El aceite de Moringa es muy famoso por se un excelente aceite de masaje. Se recomienda humedecer el pelo primero, después con un poco de aceite de moringa simplemente dar masaje suavemente. De esta manera se llegará a sus raíces e hidratara el cuero cabelludo. Es ideal para las personas con cuero cabelludo seco .
6.- Cabello más fuerte
El uso regular de aceite de Moringa en su cabello realmente puede ayudarle a obtener un cabello más fuerte. Fortalece tu cabello ya que brinda importantes minerales y vitaminas a los folículos pilosos. En cierto modo se rejuvenece el cabello desde su interior.
7.- Combate la caspa y las puntas abiertas
Estos mismos minerales y vitaminas hacen que tu cabello sea más fuerte y lucha contra la caspa y las puntas abiertas. Tiene grandes propiedades curativas que lo hace ideal para el cuidado del cabello.
Beneficios del aceite de Moringa para la Salud
Debido a los beneficios de la Moringa, es popularmente conocida como súper alimentos en todo el mundo. Estos son los beneficios del aceite de Moringa para la salud :
8.- La vitamina C
El aceite de Moringa es rico en vitamina C. Debido a que el aceite es comestible, se puede usar para cocinar regularmente. Sin embargo, no muchas personas lo utilizan para cocinar todos los días debido a su precio elevado.
9.- Aporta energía
El aceite de Moringa está lleno de una gran cantidad de antioxidantes. Estos ayudan a obtener una gran energía y hacerle sentir fresca todo el día.
10.- Induce buen sueño
El aceite de Moringa es un excelente remedio para las personas con insomnio. Induce una buena noche de sueño y también ayuda a disminuir y controlar la presión arterial.
11.- Protege a los huesos, alivia el sistema nervioso
La nutrición y la protección de los huesos es otro gran beneficio del aceite de Moringa. También calma el sistema nervioso y crea una gran cantidad de colesterol bueno en el cuerpo.
Así que estos fueron algunos de los muchos beneficios del aceite de Moringa. Les recomendamos probar este súper beneficioso aceite y ver los resultados por ustedes mismos.

What is the Moringa Tree?

  • The miracle tree Moringa is a multipurpose that is native to parts of Africa and Asia. It is also called drumstick tree by the British and Malunggay in Philippines
  • In India, it is found on the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. This plant belongs to the family Moringaceae. It derives its name from the Malayalam word, ‘Muringa’. It is a multipurpose plant and its leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark are beneficial in one way or the other.



cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Trees ForTheFuture


  • The moringa tree grows easily in semi-arid, tropical and sub-tropical climate and is reported to be beneficial for human beings as its various parts are edible.
  • Some of the most commonly used parts are moringa leaves and seeds. Moringa seeds and roots are used to extract oil and the flowers can be cooked and eaten.
  • Apart from these, its bark, sap, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and flowers are used in making traditional medicine in many countries.


 Health Benefits Of Moringa:

The most amazing thing about moringa is that all parts of this plant including its bark, roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, sap and pods are a storehouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Thus, this plant possesses innumerable health benefits and has the capacity of curing several diseases. For this reason, it is referred to as the ‘miracle tree’ and is widely used in traditional medicine. The various health benefits of moringa are as follows.

1. The seeds of moringa contain 40 percent edible oil known as Ben oil. This clear, sweet and odourless oil is rich in antioxidants and is similar to olive oil in terms of its nutritional profile.It has an indefinite shelf life as it does not turn rancid like other oils.

2. Moringa leaves are the most widely used parts of this plant. These leaves are edible. They contain three times more iron than spinach.

3. Moringa contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are needed to grow, repair and maintain cells. Human body manufactures 10 to 12 amino acids. The remaining 8 amino acids are known as the essential amino acids which should be provided from everyday diet and moringa contains all of them. The list of essential amino acids and their benefits are given below. 

ISOLEUCINE Helps in building protein and enzymes and creation of biochemical components within the body.
LEUCINE Builds protein and enzymes along with isoleucine to enhance body’s energy and alertness.
LYSINE Ensures the absorption of right amount of calcium by the body and aids in collagen formation and production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Maintains the balance of nutrients that reduce viral growth.
METHEONINE Provides sulphur to the body and prevents hair, skin and nail problems. Lowers cholesterol levels by increasing liver’s production of lecithin. Helps in reducing liver fat and bladder irritation.
PHENYLALAINE Production of chemicals required to transmit signals between nerve cells and brain, thus reducing hunger pains. It also improves memory.
THREONINE Forms an important part of collagen, elastin and enamel proteins. Assists metabolism, prevents fat build up in the liver and boosts digestive and intestinal tracts.
TRYTOHYAN Supports the immune system and alleviates insomnia. Reduction of anxiety, depression and migraine symptoms. Decreases the risk of artery and heart spasms as it reduces cholesterol levels along with lysine.
VALINE Promotes a sharp mind, coordinated muscles and calm mood

4. The Moringa leaves helps in boosting energy levels in a natural manner, which is long lasting. It is also found to heal ulcers, restrict tumors, reduce arthritis pain and inflammation and control blood pressure.

5. Daily consumption of moringa as part of the diet improves body’s natural defense mechanism. It is an immune stimulant and it is often prescribed for AIDS afflicted patients.

6. It is rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene and acts as an effective weapon against blindness.

7. It plays an important role in lactating mothers. Consumption of moringa is reported to cause a dramatic increase in breast milk.

8. As it balances the sugar levels, it can be extremely effective against diabetics.

9. Increased consumption of junk food in the present scenario can lead to high cholesterol levels. Moringa helps in balancing the cholesterol levels in the body.

10. Consumption of moringa leaves stimulates metabolism and cell structure of the body.

11. This plant also has several antibacterial properties and hence can be used as a purifier and as a natural detoxifier.

  • Moringa seeds mixed in impure water can help in absorbing all the impurities.
  • Moringa helps in the removal and excretion of toxic build up by attracting toxins from the blood.


12. No side effects of moringa leaves have been reported. Hence, it can be safely consumed by children and adults. Nowadays, it is used in porridge, pastas and breads to increase the nutrient content of meals.

13. Moringa supplements are better than most of the multivitamin and calcium supplements available in the market which use synthetic ingredients. Moringa supplements are prepared from moringa leaves and pods which are natural sources of calcium and multivitamins .Their processing method increases the availability and absorption of nutrients by the body.

14. Moringa seeds are used in the manufacture of perfumes and aromatherapy oils. The flowers of moringa are used in making herbal tea which contains flavonoids and antioxidants.


cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Forest and Kim Starr

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Forest and Kim Starr


15. Due to their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, moringa supplements facilitate quick healing of minor injuries like bruises, cuts and burns.

16. Roots of moringa are used in traditional medicine to control disorders of the circulatory system, for stimulating appetite and to improve the functioning of digestive tract. In addition to these, they can treat sexual dysfunctions, female reproductive tract problems and arthritis.

17. According to research, certain elements contained in moringa roots can cure ovarian cancer, kidney stones and inflammations. They improve the overall kidney function by enabling the body to flush out calcium and phosphates from kidneys more efficiently.

Hair Benefits Of Moringa:

Healthy hair improves the physical appearance to a great extent. Health problems or nutritional deficiencies can damage the hair and cause problems like dandruff, split ends and breakage. Hence, proper intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids are involved in the formation of keratin protein.

18. Moringa Oleifera has a high content of vitamin A, thus promoting hair growth and maintenance. Optimum delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the circulatory system to the hair follicle is vital for proper hair growth. Vitamin A plays an important role in the development of healthy cells and tissues in the body and reduction of hair loss. Deficiency of vitamin A can cause thickening of scalp, dry hair and dandruff.

19. Moringa plant also contains zinc which stimulates hair growth by enhancing the immune function. Zinc and silica along with vitamin A prevents drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are responsible for production of sebum. Deficiency of zinc can lead to atrophy of the hair follicles due to the impairment of DNA and protein synthesis. Zinc also influences the conformation of nucleic acids.

20. Vitamin E in moringa is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates blood circulation around the scalp. Proper flow of blood to the scalp helps in the absorption of more nutrients available in the hair follicles.

21. Moringa is a storehouse of all the nutrients required for healthy hair. Hair loss occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin B- especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. Proper blood circulation to the scalp enables hair follicles to grow stronger and healthier. Vitamin C together with vitamin E helps in the improvement of blood circulation in the scalp. It is vital to maintain capillaries that carry blood onto the follicles.

22. Moringa contains abundant quantities of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper and manganese which are essential for healthy hair.



Source: >Dolce Bella Organic


23. Moringa oil is a natural supplement for improving the health and strength of hair and scalp. Regular massage with this oil helps in reducing split ends and dandruff .It supplies rejuvenating vitamins and minerals to the hair follicles and tissues of the scalp.

Skin Benefits Of Moringa:

Just like healthy hair, supply of proper nutrients is vital for the maintenance of healthy skin. Moringa is loaded with nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, B, C, D, E; minerals like copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, silica and manganese. Moringa has moisturizing and nourishing properties and an excellent cleansing ability which makes it an active ingredient in skin care products.

24. Moringa has been found to possess anti-ageing properties. The effect of free radicals on human skin causes the appearance of wrinkles and makes the skin aged and less resistant to lines. Moringa has excellent cleansing ability which aids in cleaning the skin cells of free radicals and restoring the vitality and youthful complexion of the skin.

25. Moringa leaves contain about 30 antioxidants that contribute greatly towards healthy skin. Moringa oil is highly absorbable and hence helps in delivering these powerful antioxidants to the skin cells.

26. Moringa leaves also contain sulphur. This mineral is present in every single cell of the body and is the key ingredient for Collagen and keratin. Collagen is an elastic substance that gives flexibility and softness to the skin and keratin is a rigid substance which gives the skin rigidity and strength. These two substances form the majority of skin tissue and are made up of proteins constructed from sulphur.

27. The seed extract of moringa herb is popular in the cosmetic industry due to its therapeutic skincare benefits and skin purifying properties. It possesses the ability to filter out impurities that are deeply rooted within the skin and has an amazing detoxifying and rejuvenating properties. It enhances the fairness of skin by balancing the natural skin color and tone. A paste made from moringa leaves beautifies the skin and can be used as a face mask.

28. The ben oil which is extracted from moringa seeds is used to soften and soothe baby’s’ skin.

29. Moringa seed extract is used in protective creams and has the ability to provide protection against cigarette smoke and heavy metal pollution.

30. It is a powerful cleaning agent and moringa seed powder is used as an active ingredient in deep cleansing creams and lotions. It protects the skin from adhering pollution and smog.

Nutritional Value Of Moringa:

The most amazing fact about moringa is that it is a storehouse of nutrients and medicinal chemicals. The various parts of this plant are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron and protein. It contains a plethora of phytonutrients, eight essential amino acids and other powerful disease fighting antioxidants. According to the Ayurveda, moringa comprises of around 539 compounds capable of preventing 300 diseases. Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients and 46 different antioxidants which make it a powerhouse of nutrition. The table given below provides a gist of the nutritional value of this wonderful plant.


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